"Without love, everything is painful, everything is tiring, everything is burdensome. The Cross, taken up hesitantly, is crushing; taken smilingly, by free will, and with love, it will carry you much more than you carry it. Love makes time eternal by giving a divine value to everything."
-From I Believe in Love, a book based on the spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux-
Peace of Christ to all!
*Living love. This is the call of my little heart. St. Therese also says, "It is love alone that counts." Rereading the little collection of quotes I have of St. Therese, the Little Flower, has been a beautiful inspiration for me to remember that in everything I do, whether it be cleaning a wound, attending to the fever of a little child, organizing files, sweeping my floor...if I am not doing it in love it does not really matter. On the other hand, if I can commit myself to living love in the small things, being attentive to the dignity of every person...therein lies true peace, joy, fulfillment, and sanctity. It is love alone that counts.
*So what has living love entailed for Mariya Papaya this week? Well, I am more and more accustomed to the 6:30am blood draws for lab work, and I am well practiced in my pep talk for the more reluctant patients. Oh, my. The climate is changing from rainy to sunny season, so as typically accompanies climate changes, we have many sick ones. I am also well practiced in the ¨Drink Water¨pep talk. :) Finding a way to facilitate availability of water is the trickier issue...when the water from the faucet cannot be drunk without being boiled first, when there isn´t proper storage for the water once it has been boiled, when it uses precious resources (gas and manpower) to attend to the issue, when the kids are at school all day...it is enough to keep me thinking and acting. The majority of the kids leave for Christmas vacation in two weeks, so we are working in getting all the control check-ups accomplished before the end of the year.
*Other randomly exciting news? Our fellow missionary volunteer, Jim Campbell, arrived safe and sound, and the base is excited to have him back...us too! There seems to be a lack of strong male role models for the children here, so it is an amazing gift to have a great Catholic man, such as Jim, serving here, loving these kids. Also, Padre Othmar, founder of the foundation, returned from his trip to his homeland of Switzerland, and it is wonderful to have his prayerful presence among us once again. And a really beautiful surprise for me this weekend was that at the last minute I found out he and a few others were going to La Rinconada to celebrate the Mass yesterday...so this crazy gringa was able to go with! What a joy to be back in that little pueblo! My work there has been set back due to my responsibilities at the base, but my heart is there in so many ways. I need to return soon. My love for maternity nursing was also rekindled when I realized how many pregnant women there are there at this time...SO beautiful. I am going to look into how I can serve this dear ones and their growing wee ones.
*Ha. Funniest occurrence of the week? Well, the 15th birthday for young women here is a really big deal, so every month there is a fiesta for whichever dear one is celebrating her 15th birthday that month. Yesterday one of the gals, Gabriela, in the pre-community (women discerning misionera life) turned 15; therefore, there was a fiesta last night. A typical part of these fiestas is that each group (boys´ home, girls´ home, misioneras, etc) present a dance, song, or something of the sort. Well, the gringos were invited to present as well. Just imagine. We had decided this time we just didn´t have the creative energy or time to plan something, but at the last minute, Maribeth and I decided that for Gaby, we just must. So there we were, lip syncing to ¨My Heart Will Go On¨ in a little peninsula on the coast of South America. What a funny life. Gaby had asked us to sing it weeks ago, so Maribeth had bought the song to give to her at some point...didn´t imagine we would present it in such a manner, but I think she enjoyed our craziness. It is love alone that counts.
*Also, I have the great joy of letting you all know that Jim started a stateside foundation, Mission Santa Maria, to help out the base financially. Please check out the website: http://www.missionsantamaria.com/.
*Hey, I love you all and hold you dear to me always...may the Lord bless and keep you, may the Spirit enliven you in your own missions, and may we live His perfect Love...
En Cristo,
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