Sunday, March 2, 2008

A new mission...or a continuation...

"...every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit."
-John 15-

Peace and blessings to each of you.

I write today what will likely be my last post from Ecuador. The Lord has placed a new call upon my heart, a new mission of love: I am going to pursue medical school.

My time in Ecuador working with Fundacion Santa Maria del Fiat has been extraordinary. I love the outreach, the misioneras, the children, the people, everything. Of course, there have been difficulties along the way, but I have absolutely loved the time the Lord has given me here.

I also love my work as a nurse here and could be very content in this profession always. But a few weeks ago, the Lord placed on my heart that I must reconsider attending medical school, as it has always been in the back of my mind. I prayed and listened for His voice and continued my work here. Then one day in Adoration, He convicted my heart. I opened Scripture to John 15:1-11, and it confirmed what I needed to do. It speaks of bearing fruit for the Lord...being pruned...abiding in His love...doing all things through Him...all that His joy may me in us and that our joy may be complete. And I just knew. I must pursue medical school.

There are medically underserved populations all over the world, and I feel called to bring them the care they deserve. It is a long road from here. But I put all my confidence in the Lord, and He will care for me, His little one. And on my part, I am ready to work to make this a reality.

The most difficult part is that I must now leave this place I love so dearly. I start a MCAT prep class on March 15th, the only class option that finishes before my July test date. Therefore, I have to leave in under two weeks. It is incredibly sad to say goodbye to all my loved ones here, but I know that I must, as Simon and Andrew when Jesus called them from their fishing to be His disciples, leave my nets and follow Jesus...therein lies true joy.

I am in Tena in the Amazon region for a week with the medical mission from Franciscan University. From there, I will head back to the Coast to bid farewell and leave on March 13th.

Please pray for me that I may offer the difficulties of these goodbyes as a consolation to His Most Sacred Heart and that I may always live in abadonment to His most perfect will.

En Cristo,


  1. I am so excited for you on your decision for entering medical school. I really hope to get in touch with you soon. I think of you and the nursing class of 2007 often. You are a beautiful woman of God and such an inspiration.
    God Bless.
    Cheryl B.

  2. You're in my heart, dear one. Can't wait to see you. Love, Mallory

  3. Oh Mariya!! Love you girl, and I'm so excited for the new turn your life is taking!!!

    Abrazos, querida.

  4. Mariya, It is so good to hear of your journey and service as a missionary! The Lord has you in the palm of His hand. I am so excited for you and your decision! I've missed you and thought of you a lot! I would love to see you when you come back to Steubenville. Please pray for me as I am discerning if I have a missionary call! Much love and prayers ~~Michelle Griffin

  5. manita!!! esta muy interesante tu blogspot; la falla q ta todo en ingles pero si entendi en partes: te quiero mucho sigue con tu mision, eres una misionera favorita en ese lugar!!!! te quiero wo wo
